The Make Space

Wednesday Open Houses
Oct 9th 6-9PM
Nov 13th, Dec 11th, 6-9PM

Makerspaces and hackerspaces, including The Make Space of Centre County, are social hubs where like-minded individuals can gather to collaborate, socialize, and pursue their creative passions. Our community is diverse and our potential for innovation is limitless. Our mission is to support makers in bringing their ideas to life. We offer access to a range of tools, fabrication equipment, and resources, including salvaged, donated, and recycled materials, to fuel your projects, inventions, creations, and explorations. Whether you’re a seasoned maker or a beginner, we strive to provide the knowledge and support you need to bring your vision to reality. Our ultimate goal is to help you unleash your creativity and achieve your full potential as a maker.

Fixing a Playstation HDMI

Joshua desoldered the old HDMI connector and soldered a new on in its place.

Repair Cafe March 2023

Bryan and Alex helping Ann fix her vacuum cleaner at the March 2023 repair cafe.

Coding in OpenSCAD

Vidur and Addison learning and debugging OpenSCAD code used to model for 3D printing.

3D printing

Joe displaying largest volume print ever done at the Space

April Gardening

Bryan, Joe, Josh, and Vidur turned the weed bed into a nich looking garden. Click on the title to see the project page.


Jason tinkering with Stable Diffusion .

Painting laser cut projects

Members Julia and Angelina paint laser cut holiday ornaments.

Bicycle clinics

Matt helping a family get their bicycles in good shape for summer rides. We hold two free bicycle repair clinics each year..

Amazing Art Created at the Make Space

Member reproduced a comic book cover in wood.

Each month we hold an Open House from 6-9PM on the 2nd Wednesday of every month, 141 S. Fraser Street in State College. During our Open Houses, we offer a free tour of the facility, introduce you to members, and give you an opportunity to use the space for your project. Please join us to get a tour of your member-supported community workshop.

Our location

We are located in the Fraser street parking garage across from Target. Our space is down the stairs on the south side of the garage. Look for our hypercube above the entrance


Whether you’re curious about the tools, expertise, or community we have, please don’t hesitate to reach out or visit us soon!